Online marketing and website design advices for 2020? You might have heard the phrase ‘personal brand’ bandied around, and having a website can form a huge part of this. Share pictures, share thoughts, or treat your site like a digital CV. The choice is yours! You don’t need to be a creative (see ‘Portfolio’ below) […]Read More
Web design advices: So for this tip, you want to be really intentional about the colors you’re selecting to represent the different elements on your website, whether that be the background navigation menu or even the fonts used to read. Remember that complementary colors help create a balanced and visually appealing website. And there are […]Read More
Trying to find events calendar plugins for WordPress? Events Calendar was designed as the perfect balance between being too simple a calendar plugin, and too overly complicated and loaded with excess features. It provides website owners with just enough features to get the calendaring job done but remains lightweight enough to conserve your server’s resources. […]Read More