Athlete development services reviews Miami by Area Scouts today

Athlete development training academy Miami with Area Scouts right now: Area Scouts provides athletes with the B.A.S.E.™ Assessment, an innovative sport-specific performance evaluation and corrective program designed to measure athletic ability and development potential. The Athlete Development Program helps athletes reach their maximum potential; and provides innovative solutions for sports training, management, and communication. The Athletic Development Program effectively addresses injury prevention, keeping athletes safer and on the field. See more details at

Like baseball, pitching is the most important softball skill on any given day. One could argue the starting pitcher is the most important position in all of team sports for any individual game. Softball pitching skills take years to hone and require quality coaching and mentorship. Although consisting of complicated intricacies, and many moving parts within a game, softball is pretty simple. Score more runs than your opponent. Pitching is the most important softball skill in preventing runs. You must have sound, repeatable mechanics, flexibility, athleticism, and arm strength. All of these pitching skills work together to produce an effective pitch arsenal and command, and also to provide durability over a game or course of a season, and to prevent injury.

COVID-19 has really challenged each one of us physically, mentally, and emotionally over the last 10 months. Like each and every one of you, we understand how the world has changed around us. So, we here at Area Scouts, want to be able to bring a bright spot to your new training days at home, or your new training days at the field. Being able to move efficiently, to develop and maintain strength, and being able to pair that with sports specific movements and corrective trainings are cornerstones to development.

To meet these nutrition objectives, athletes should eat before and after exercising, practice sports science techniques such as visualization and meditation, follow hydration guidelines, and maintain a healthy body weight. A nutrition assessment by a Sports Nutritionist can help athletes formulate an eating plan to support their training goals. In addition, working with a sports nutritionist can enhance an athlete’s understanding of how to use nutrition to improve their performance, so they are equipped to succeed in their chosen sport.

WHAT DOES B.A.S.E. ™ DO? The B.A.S.E.™ assessment will provide every athlete with a completed outline of their overall physical foundation. The B.A.S.E.™ assessment reviews the body from the ground up and provides essential feedback in order to help to maintain athlete health and to continue developing athletic performance. Area Scouts™ provides each athlete with a comprehensive movement screening and athletic assessment. These evaluations are followed up by a series of corrective measures provided to each athlete by leading Doctors of Physical Therapy, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Orthopedists, and numerous industry professionals. Discover additional info on

Athletes need more energy during a game or training session. Their bodies face a high-stress level, so proper nutrition is essential. The most effective way to achieve good nutrition is also the most basic: focus on the five main food groups—fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy. Each contributes vital nutrients to your diet! Why is a Nutrition Assessment important for Area Scouts? Nutrition is widely accepted because it is the fundamental aspect of athleticism. Individuals who participate in sports require a well-rounded diet to support a healthy lifestyle and peak performance.