Driving instructors in Dublin with Anewdriver

Best driving lessons in Dublin, Ireland? Check your tires and brakes. Ensuring your tires and brakes are safe for travel is one of the best ways you can keep yourself safe on the road. As a general rule of thumb, you should not be able to see Abraham Lincoln’s head when you put a penny face-down between the tread of your tires. If you can, it means your tread depth is too low, and you need to replace your tires. Changing your brakes is equally important when considering car safety. If you hear a squeaking or grinding noise when pressing the breaks, you should check them immediately. Neglecting to do so could damage your rotors, which is not only extremely dangerous but also much more expensive to fix.

Thinking about going on a road trip? Moving to a new place? Whatever it is, be sure to bone up on your destination’s driving rules before you go. In some places it’s OK to talk on a handheld device while driving, whereas in others it is illegal. Laws about passing, signaling, speeding, and maintenance are all subject to these kinds of differences. You don’t want to get a ticket just because you didn’t know the rules! So a do quick Google search before you go and spare yourself the trouble. If you’ll be driving for long stretches of time, on a road trip or similar, be sure to get plenty of sleep the night before. Also, you should take breaks at least every few hours, even if it is just to stretch your legs and go to the bathroom. Eat healthy meals at regular intervals to keep your energy steady. And, if at all possible, get someone to come along to share the driving with you. Or, if they’re not up for driving, at least see if someone will come along for company – they can act as a navigator and carry on the conversation to keep you awake and alert.

Learn to drive in all weather conditions. The weather can cause a lot of motor vehicle accidents, so it is best that you do not drive in bad weather, or even after dark, until you are confident in your driving skills. Meanwhile, check some tips to drive safely in bad weather conditions: Have someone with you when you drive at night until you are more skilled, and practice winter driving where there is no chance of having an accident, such as in an empty parking lot. It is better to be safe now than sorry later on. “Rubbernecking” is when people stare at accidents or other distractions as they drive past. It is a well-established fact that accidents are often caused by people staring at other accidents and not concentrating on the road. Discover extra information at driving school Dublin.

Spot dangers ahead. One of the best things you can do to avoid being involved in an accident is to spot potential dangers ahead before they happen. Keep your eyes on the road, pay attention to what is happening ahead – and be prepared to slow down if you see potential trouble in front of you. Having the right attitude when you sit behind the wheel is vital. Some experienced drivers may have a poor attitude, but you should at least make sure that your attitude is adapted to the responsibility of sitting in the driver’s seat. The key to safe driving is to drive defensively. This means giving other cars plenty of room, anticipating what they are going to do and driving accordingly so they have plenty of space and time.

Watch out for the maneuvers of taller cars in front of you. Watch out not only for the car right in front of you but also for those further down the road. Drivers of taller vehicles (truck and buses) see road situations much more clearly. If they start to change lanes all at once, it’s likely that they saw a car accident or a different kind of roadblock. Follow suit, and change lanes too. Read extra information at this website.