Play Curve Fever Pro and more free html5 games

Looking for the newest html5 games that you can play online in your internet browser? IO games are becoming more and more popular and in this article we will take a look a few of them. Canvas Tetris is a really simple illustration of Tetris game which is written in HTML5 and JavaScript to give beginner developers a basic understanding of 2D game concepts. The developer has mentioned that he created this game in just 45 minutes. So, if you are familiar with the basics of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript then I would definitely suggest you to read its source code and enhance your game development skills. Ancient Beast is an amazing browser-based multiplayer game that utilizes the flexibility provided by HTML5 and JavaScript. This game is a strategy game based on players turns and is played online against other players. This game features a wide variety of creatures that a player can acquire as they play along and then players can put them to use in order to defeat your opponents. The version of this game available now is 0.3 which was developed using HTML and JavaScript with required socket plugins.

Death Chase is an intense car racing game in which you must compete against other drivers in a race to the death. This race involves a huge amount of death and destruction and dangerous obstacles to bypass. Before you start racing, you can choose your vehicle and upgrade its various components such as its armor, weapons and engine. Each time you complete a race you earn additional coins that you can spend on improvements and upgrades. The races themselves are fast paced and immense fun – you encounter a range of different ramps, loops, slides, obstacles and bridges. When jumping off ramps you can perform flips for additional points. These points build up your nitro bar and when it is full you receive a short speed burst. Be careful when driving as you can only sustain a certain amount of damage before your vehicle is destroyed! Can you conquer the death chase and create a super vehicle of destruction?

Motor Wars 2 is a fantastic multiplayer game in which you take to the battlefield against other players around the world! The game features realistic 3D graphics, awesome gameplay, and intense vehicle fights. Join the game, pick a team and enter the fray – you must try and destroy the opposing team’s vehicles and also try to capture their flag. The game was initiallly released in December 2013 as a Unity Web Player game. Motor Wars 2 is updated in May 2018 with a brand new look and gameplay as a WebGL game, and can be found exclusively on CrazyGames. Motor Wars 2 was made by Martian Games. You can also find other amazing games from the same developer on CrazyGames, such as Kart Wars, Air Wars 2, Tank Off, and Cow Defender.

For our guests from Bosnia:

Zombs Royale je fantastična multiplayer io igra sa sjajnom bitkom. Inspirirana je Fortniteom i PUBG-om. Morate pokušati i preživjeti kao posljednji borac protiv stotina drugih online igrača. Koristite WASD tipke za kretanje po karti i koristite lijevu tipku miša za pucanje. Morate stupiti u interakciju s raznim objektima u svijetu kako biste pokupili zalihe za opstanak. Potražite oružje i hranu i pokušajte eliminirati što više drugih igrača. Također morate paziti na otrovni plin koji se neprestano zatvara na karti i čini područje za igranje manjim – ako vas uhvate u plin, na kraju ćete umrijeti. Razmotrite svoju strategiju i pokušajte preživjeti pod svaku cijenu. Ova igra zahtijeva vještinu, brze reakcije i upornost! Postanite prvak Zombs Royale danas! su napravili Yang i Jeremiah, koji su također napravili i druge popularne .io igre poput i Sviraj 4!

Poboljšajte svoje vještine pucanja mjehurića pomoću ove tradicionalne verzije klasične puzzle igre, no sada u HD izdanju. Bubble Shooter HD je lijepa i opuštajuća puzzle igra. Vaš je izazov da izbacite sve mjehuriće po njihovim srodnim mjehurićima (iste boje). Kada spojite 3 ili više mjehurića iste boje oni izazovu lančanu reakciju i eksplodiraju. Što je lanac veći, to ćete zaraditi više bodova. Nastavite se fokusirati čistiti boju po boju i sigurno dobivate igru! Uživajte u glatkoj grafici i zvukovima ove igre!

Svaka igra se igra na način tko prvi do 11 bodova. Svaka serva, bilo vaša ili protivnička, se boduje stoga držite pritisak na svog protivnika. Pokušajte upotrijebiti različite spinove i kratke lopte da biste uhvatili protivnika na krivoj nozi. Grafika je super, a igrivost je fluidna i realistična. Možete li se natjecati sa protivnicima širom svijeta i pobijediti ih na svjetskoj turneji? Table Tennis World Tour je sjajna sportska igra u kojoj možete isprobati svoje vještine stolnog tenisa protiv niza AI protivnika. Možete izabrati za koju naciju igrate i početi se natjecati u globalnom natjecanju!

NOVE IO IGRE (pravilo uspjeha): Najzabavnije i najuspješnije nove IO igre poput,, Moomoo IO, slijede ove opće smjernice. Igrač može skočiti pravo u igru ​​jednim klikom. Neka bude super jednostavno za naučiti, ali teško svladati, poput Krunker IO igre. Dopustite igraču da “skalira” svoje ovlasti u igri u odnosu na ostale igrače. I posljednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, ili su konkurentni ili kooperativni. Slither IO je dobar primjer. To je vrlo jednostavna igra, s jednostavnim kontrolama. Nema iskustva potrebnog za početak, što znači da ljudi to mogu vrlo brzo naučiti. Unatoč tome, igru ​​je teško svladati. Jednostavna, čista grafika također vrijedi spomenuti kao relevantna karakteristika žanra. Igrajte igre na