Best ovarian cysts removal medical procedure Chennai, India

Top laparoscopic hysterectomy medical procedure Chennai, India? Doctors may recommend having an ovarian cyst removed if one of the following five situations occurs: Extreme pain occurs in the lower abdominal area ; Cyst is unusually large — normal, functional cysts are usually less than 2.5 inches in diameter, and anything larger is considered abnormally large ; Cyst is solid and not filled with fluid ; Cyst is suspected to be linked to ovarian cancer ; Growth of an ovarian cyst is considered unusual — for example, young girls who have not started their period and postmenopausal women, who should not be developing functional ovarian cysts

Laparoscopy is often used to diagnose and treat problems in the female reproductive organs, such as endometriosis, infertility, or tubal pregnancy. Tubal ligation (female sterilization) can also be done with laparoscopic surgery. How Well It Works? An ovarian cyst can be removed from an ovary (cystectomy), preserving the ovary and your fertility. But it is possible for a new cyst to form on the same or opposite ovary after a cystectomy. New cysts can only be completely prevented by removing the ovaries (oophorectomy). Surgery may be recommended if you have a large cyst, cysts in both ovaries, or other characteristics that may suggest ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer can occur in women of all ages, but the incidence increases after menopause.

Laparoscopic removal of cysts on the ovaries through a small keyhole incision. A cyst is a sack of fluid which develops inside the ovaries, which can be either benign or Malignant (cancerous). Typically, a benign ovarian cyst can be removed leaving the ovaries intact, making the natural conception still possible. Ovarian cysts have a recurrence rate of 35% even after they are surgically removed. If the cysts keep recurring, then the entire ovary is removed by a procedure called Laparoscopic oophorectomy. And also if the cyst is malignant, the entire ovary or both ovaries need to be removed. Find even more info on

What should I do on the day of the procedure? Unless otherwise specified, you should stop eating and drinking at the following times on the day of the surgery: At midnight for a morning procedure or; At 6 am for an afternoon procedure You should continue all your usual medications unless otherwise specified. What type of anesthesia will be required when performing hysterectomy? Patients are put to sleep under general anesthesia.

DG Laser & Cosmetic Gynaecology Clinic is an advanced gynecology clinic for today’s women. The clinic offers a range laparoscopic, laser, robotic cosmetic gynaecology services including laparoscopic hysterectomy, scarless hysterectomy (or key hole surgery), laparoscopic removal of cancer tumor in abdomen area, laparoscopic myometcomy, removal of ovarian cysts using laparoscopy. The clinic offers treatment for other problems such as Urinary Incontinence, Sexually Transmitted infections, Urinary tract infections, vaginal laxity, vaginal infections, dryness and itching of vagina, menopause problems and HRT for menopaused women. Discover more details on